Why is Collagen so awesome?

Our bodies produce a good amount of collagen un until our mid-twenties, at which point collagen production begins to decline. It is most notable in our 40's and 50's as seen in the lack of elasticity (tightness of skin), and degradation of the joints of the body. 

While collagen is found in many parts of the body, it exists abundantly in the following areas:

  • Skin
  • Bones
  • Tendons
  • Ligament
  • Eye (cornea)
  • Digestive tract
  • Intervertebral Discs (discs between vertebrae in you spine)

We believe in finding ways to give the body what it needs to repair itself so that it keeps working for us as long as we are in this life. And we know that with our high-paced modern lifestyle, it has become harder to get all the nutrition our bodies needs to run well. So we want to provide something for you that doesn't take much time and makes a big difference for your health. 

Taking collagen as a supplement is an excellent way to give your body the building blocks to repair the aforementioned body parts. Its a modern take on an ancient food practice. In many cultures, it is traditional to cook the bones of the animals, get the gelatin from the cooking down process, and have that as a soup. This was a customary meal and would keep people healthy. The gelatin from the bones has the ability to nourish the entire body, including digestive tract and brain, and is one of the nutrient dense meals people would consume on a weekly, if not daily basis. 

With Collagen Peptides, you get the exact nutrients you would get out of cooking down bones for hours or days but without all the time spent to get the nourishment. You can simply take 1-2 scoops of Collagen Peptide protein powder and put it directly in any liquid you have (including coffee, soups, curries, smoothies, etc.). It has no taste and it dissolves well in both hot and cold liquids! 



**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.