We want to share with you the most effective methods we have found to ensure complete dissolution of the collagen in hot and cold liquids.
Our collagen comes in a fine powder form. We’ve selected that because of its high absorbency through the intestinal walls. We want to maximize the quantity of product that gets used up by the body for maximum results.
The word "collagen" is derived from the Greek word "kolla," meaning glue, so naturally it has a binding quality. Collagen’s best solubility will be in hot liquids. Thus, to ensure complete dissolution in cold liquids, you’ll want to use one of our recommended methods.
How to use it:
1-2 scoops (tablespoons) per beverage. 1-2 times per day.
We recommend 1 scoop/tablespoon in coffee or tea, and 2 scoops in smoothies. But it’s up to you how much you’d like to use. You’re welcome to use more or less without reservations.
In hot liquids: Simply add and stir into your beverage. (Press collagen powder with a spoon against the side of your cup if needed).
Methods for dissolving in cold liquids:
NOTE: We are currently working on a formulation to maintain the maximum absorbency for the body while improving the solubility in cold liquids. Stay tuned for this and other amazing products to come!